First move X on
the line and watch Y!Y is on the middle
perpendicular on PX and on the perpendicular through X to the line. So Y has the
same distance to P and to the line.
Der Punkt Y liegt auf der Mittelsenkrechten
auf PX und auf dem Lot durch X zur Geraden. Also ist Y von P genauso weit
entfernt wie von der Geraden.
generate the automatic track of Y, when X moves. The
track is a parabola, which is turned to the left. I will try to convince you,
that it is indeed a parabola.
Note that the middle perpendicular is always tangent to
the parabola.
a change, track the middle perpendicular (instead of the point Y), when X runs
on the line. This is indeed possible, and C.a.R. will compute a curve, such that
all middle perpendiculars are tangent to the curve. So, select the automatic
track tool, click on the middle perpendicular and then on X.
