Z.u.L. > Documentation > Context Help
C.a.R. contains a context sensitive help than can be called while using the program. it provides help on the currently active tool. You are reading web pages extracted from this help. On these web pages, you will also find a list of keywords and a list of help topics. Moreover, there is a search function both in the web and in the help system of the program.
For more information about C.a.R., have a look at the applications, demos, tutorials, or the Flash introduction. There is also a discussion forum on Yahoo, and a Wiki on C.a.R. There is even a multilingual magazine CarZine about C.a.R. Searching the Web will reveal many other sources of information about this program.
Much success with C.a.R. wishes you the author
Rene Grothmann
Related topics: Context sensitive Help, Online Help, License for C.a.R., User Interface
Next topic: Context sensitive Help