Z.u.L. > Documentation > Context Help

License for C.a.R.

C.a.R. is free software under the GPL (Gnu General Public License), and you are welcome to use the program as you like. If you distribute it, you must include at least a link to my pages.

You may also download the sources via the homepage of C.a.R. However, these sources and all changes you or others do must remain open. You are enforced to provide the sources and all changes along with the program. Moreover, you must provide a link to the original sources. Make sure this part of the documentation is passed along with your distributed files.

The same license also applies to the documentation.

If you want to make money with this program, you can do that by providing additional services like books, instructions, tutorials and such. You can also include the program into a commercial distribution of software, e.g., in a Linux distribution. I kindly ask to get a notice, if you that, and a sample if possible, please.

Related topics: Online Help, Context sensitive Help

Next topic: User Interface