Create a second
triangle to the left of the triangle that's already in the construction
window. You can do this two ways:
- Create three points with the "Point" tool as before,
then connect them with the "Segment" tool. When using the
"Segment" tool to connect existing points, make sure that the
point is highlighted and the cursor changes to a hand before you click
to select the point.
- Alternatively, you can create points on the
fly with the "Segment" tool. With the "Segment" tool
selected, click at two different locations in the construction area.
The two locations become points, and they are joined by a segment.
Move one of the
triangle's vertices (drag with the right mouse button). The segments
remain joined to the vertex as it moves.
Now use the "Delete last object" tool repeatedly to erase your triangle.
Create a pentagon with red vertices and sides. Remember to set the "Object color" tool before creating your segments.
right click on one of the segments (make sure you don't move the mouse
as you click) . Use the dialog box to make the following changes:
- Change the segment's name to "Charles"
- Change the color to purple (click the last icon in the color row to assign a "user-defined" color)
- Make the segment thick
- Make the segment a vector.