C.a.R. > Support
The best way to get in contact with me or C.a.R. users is the Wiki vor C.a.R. This open forum should be a platform for exchanging ideas, examples, problems and other information. Have a look at it and see, if it helps, or if you like to participate.
I am very interested in learning about errors and bugs in this program. Java does support the programmer with a clear structure and the exceptions feature. I can try to keep the program as free of errors as possible. However, I cannot test everything. Also I like to hear about your ideas for extensions, misprints etc.
Often I get error reports, which are no help for me like "The program crashes" or "The applet does not work". I need as much information as possible. And it would be nice to get the construction, which caused the problem, or the web page, where the applet did not work.
If you want to help me and have some computer knowledge, run the application from a console using the command "java -jar zirkel.jar" in the directory, where zirkel.jar is located, and report any error messages to me. For applets, you can open the Java console window and get the error message from that window.
If you want to do some work, see here.
There is a discussion forum on Sourceforge.